These are the bot commands. Click on them to expand for more information.
Set up ModMail.
Change the prefix or view the current prefix.
Aliases: setprefix
Re-create the category for the ModMail channels.
Set or clear the roles that have access to ticket related commands and replying to tickets.
Aliases: modrole, supportrole
Set or clear the roles mentioned when a ticket is opened. You can also use
Aliases: mentionrole
Toggle ticket logging and optionally in an existing channel.
Aliases: logs
Toggle whether commands are required to reply to a ticket.
Aliases: commandrequired
Set or clear the message that is sent when a new ticket is opened. Tags `{username}`, ` {usertag}`, `{userid}` and `{usermention}` can be used.
Aliases: welcomemessage, greetmessage
Set or clear the message that is sent when a ticket is closed. Tags `{username}`, `{usertag}`, `{userid}` and `{usermention}` can be used.
Aliases: goodbyemessage, closemessage
Toggle advanced logging which includes messages sent and received, between disabled, enabled with AI summary, and enabled without AI summary.
Aliases: advancedlogging, advancedlogs
Toggle default anonymous messages.
Toggle whether tickets can be created, optionally with reason if disabling.
Aliases: enable, disable
Set or clear the additional AI prompt used by the `aireply` command.
View the configurations for the current server.
Reply to the ticket, useful when anonymous messaging is enabled.
Aliases: r
Reply to the ticket anonymously.
Aliases: ar
Use AI to generate a response based on the context and the prompt, with optional additional instructions. This command will prompt for confirmation.
Aliases: air
Close the channel.
Aliases: c
Close the channel anonymously.
Aliases: ac
Close all of the channels.
Close all of the channels anonymously.
Blacklist users to prevent them from creating tickets. If no users are provided, this will blacklist the user of the current ticket.
Aliases: block
Whitelist users to allow them to create tickets. If no users are provided, this will whitelist the user of the current ticket.
Aliases: unblock
Remove all users from the blacklist.
View the blacklist.
Send message to another server, useful when confirmation messages are disabled.
Aliases: create, switch, change
Shortcut to send message to a server.
Enable or disable the confirmation message.
Shows the help menu or information for a specific command when specified.
Aliases: h, commands
Pong! Get my latency.
See some super cool statistics about me.
Aliases: statistics, info
See the amazing stuff we have partnered with.
Get a link to invite me.
Get a link to my support server.
Aliases: server
Get the link to ModMail's website.
Get the link to ModMail's GitHub repository.
Aliases: github
Show a member's permission in a channel when specified.
Aliases: perms
Show some information about yourself or the member specified.
Aliases: memberinfo
Get some information about this server.
Aliases: guildinfo
Get some information about ModMail premium.
Aliases: donate, patron
Get the premium status of this server.
Get a list of servers you assigned premium to.
Aliases: premiumlist
Assign premium slot to a server.
Remove premium slot from a server.
Use a snippet.
Aliases: s
Use a snippet anonymously.
Aliases: as
Add a snippet. Tags `{username}`, `{usertag}`, `{userid}` and `{usermention}` can be used.
Remove a snippet.
Remove all the snippets.
View all the snippets or a specific one if specified.
Aliases: viewsnippets, snippetlist, vs